Emmanuel Ponce

Toronto, Canada
Toronto based freelance digital content creator


Emmanuel Ponce

Microsoft Office
Copy Editing
Photo Editing
Video Production/Editing
Visual Storytelling
Photo Editing
Social Media
Affinity Photo
Customer Service

"Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads."
- Erica Jong

I've always been fascinated by the power of storytelling - its power to evoke all sorts of human emotions - to make someone cry, laugh, or gasp in shock.

Social media and other forms of digital content––both written and visual––play an integral part in showcasing the power of storytelling. No matter what platform, stories can be shared instantaneously to create meaningful connections and build communities.

I strive for such connections in person and within the online media world, and hope to make a positive impact through my work.